Soap Nuts
Detergent and fabric conditioner in a nutshell!
£1.00 for a bag of 5 soap nuts suitable for 5-8 washes.
Quote the code on your voucher from your trial pack to receive £1.00 off the full size bag.
A natural cleanser for use in washing machines
Gets your laundry fresh and clean
Keeps colours bright, ideal for woollens and silks
Allergy-free, good for sensitive skin
Eco-friendly, biodegradable, chemical free
Economical compared to other detergents
5 soap nuts per wash- reuse 5-8 times
Make your own liquid shampoo/household cleaner
A fair-trade product grown without pesticides.
Soap nuts are sometimes sold as halved shells with the seed removed. Our soap nuts are sold whole as the friction produced helps to clean the clothes better.
Email jyoti@lovehennahair.co.uk or contact
Jyoti through our member page on
LoveHennaHair to place your order.