Friday 10 October 2008

Simple Henna Recipe


100g of Henna/Indigo/Amla/Cassia powder for every six inches of hair - in whichever proportions you’ve decided.
Approximately 300ml water per 100g powder(many people add 1/2 lemon juice and 1/2 water which is reputed to help “fix” the dye)

1) Cover everything in newspaper
2) Decide on the proportions of henna and indigo - remember every person’s hair will react slightly differently.
3) Mix powder in a bowl with warm water to make a thickish paste. Leave for at least 4 hours.
4) Apply the mixture onto your hair using plastic gloves.
5) Wrap head in clingwrap. Keep it on for at least an hour and up to 8 hours. The longer it is left on, the darker the colour.
6) Rinse the mixture off with water and shampoo as normal. The colour will change over the following 4 days - deepening and becoming shinier.

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